Graphic Design and Production


Design-manual for the danish
DC-comics publications from FARAOS

I’m very proud of how this design-guide turned out. Made for the shop and publisher Faraos, for there danish editions of DC-comicbooks. It’s fantastic to get the opportunity to make a contribution to how these both classic and new DC publications will look on the danish marked.

DC comics, designguide by Martin Flink. Published by Faraos in Denmark. #Martin Flink
DC comics, designguide by Martin Flink. Published by Faraos in Denmark. #Martin Flink

Opdateret dansk titel-logo til Rabbinerens Kat

En opdatering og genskabelse af titel-logoet til Joann Sfars Rabbinerens Kat, udgivet på dansk af Fahrenheit.

Mit første atlas

Cover-design, Layouts, dtp and prepress.


Gina Wynbrandts “Er der ikke nogen der gider bolle mig please”

– Handlettering, Cover Design, dtp and Prepress

Gina Wynbrandt, Er der ikke nogen der gider bolle mig, please, Martin Flink

Hand-lettered this book in Danish, to mimic the original style by author and artist Gina Wynbrandt. Made a lot of redrawing and changes to the 2-collered (Pantone) art, to make everything look like an integral part of the artwork.
Redesigned the cover and made the prepress preparations with gloss, folios and 2-color pantones.
All of cause in close collaboration with Torben and Pernille, from Forlæns and Cobolt.


Cover-design – Super Nemt

– Danish cover-design, dip and prepress

Coverdesign by Martin Flink
Coverdesign by Martin Flink

Krusell Aps – logodesign and all that…

– Branding, Design, layout and DTP

Beside the logo design, I’ve done the stationary, business cards and even some work clothes designs. Hope to do some more over time to make the brand complete.

Logodesign negative:

KRUSELL logo by Martin Flink
KRUSELL logo by Martin Flink

Logodesign positive:


Cykelkort (Bikemaps) for Dansk Cykelturisme & Cyklistforbundet

– Design, layout and DTP

Designed with colours, symbols and maps to be a simple, easy to use interface for traveling by the best bike-routs all around Denmark.



2016 Food covers for Legind

– Design, layout and DTP.

Through out the year I did a lot of cover-designs for Legind. Here is some samples of the food-themed books.

Surdejsbrød - design by Martin Flink
God Mad Året Rundt - design by Martin Flink
Jorden Rundt med 80 Retter - Design by Martin Flink
Avocado - Design by Martin Flink
Grønt - Design by Martin Flink
Fermentering - Design by Martin Flink

Årstidens Grønt - Design by Martin Flink


Hjerteforeningen – Christmas Ornament 2015 packaging

-Design, layout and DTP.

For this packaging design, I did the flower-pattern and packaging-layout.


Hjerteforeningen – indsamlingsbøtte

-Design and concept-art

Through Entryglobal I did the concept-art and reference guide for the production of Hjerteforeningens new collection-box. It’s always nice to see your work becoming real. Especially for such a good cause.





-Design, layout, illustration and Photo-retouch

Powerfood cover design and layout by Martin Flink

Powerfood, designed and layout by Martin Flink Powerfood_Revolutionen_PR_LoRes 6-7 Powerfood_Revolutionen_PR_LoRes 60-61 Powerfood_Revolutionen_PR_LoRes 72-73



Legind website (2015)

– Design, layout, photos and coding (html5, css)


Updated Leginds website, to match there new focus on publishing books for mainstream markets.


Minions 2 – Lilla panik

– Danish lettering, dtp, Prepress

The second installment of the Danish edition of the Minions comic-book is hitting the shelves. As always it was a fun project to work on. I did the digital hand-lettering in Danish, mimicking the fantastic French lettering-style, dtp and the prepress work.

Published by Forlæns

Minions 2 comic-book cover, Danish edition


Det Æltefri Grydebrød

– Design, dtp, image editing and prepress



Minions 1

– Danish lettering, dtp, Prepress

Minions Bind 1 - Cover
Minions Bind 1 - Page38
Minions Bind 1 - Page30


Vores Bedste Gæstemad

– Design, dtp, image editing and prepress

In 2014 I designed this book for Legind and Søndag, witch collect most of there best dinner-recipes from there weekly magazine “Sandag”.

Vores Bedste Gæstemad
Vores Bedste Gæstemad
Vores Bedste Gæstemad
Vores Bedste Gæstemad
Vores Bedste Gæstemad


Innovation Norway Magazine design 2014

-Design, dtp, photoshop, image editing and prepress

Innovation Norway
Innovation Norway



Book-covers for Legind books

Design, dtp, photoshop and prepress

For all of these books, I’ve been doing the design, image-editing, DTP and Prepress.

Den ultimate Chili kogebog - cover


Superliga Julekalender 2013


Superliga julekalender 2013 by Martin Flinkj

Illustration for the danish football league (Soccer-league).Chrismas Calender 2013. Made in collaboration with Creative Gorilla. Pen, paper and Phostoshop.

Legind website (2013)



A simple new website, with a product-slideshow and web-typography, using the new “add font” attribute in html5 and css3. All animation is done with the use of html5, css3 and jQuery. Product-photos are done with Fuji-FinePix and Photoshop.

C’est Bon Kultur


Cest Bon Kultur website - Design by Martin Flink

C’est Bon Kultur is a comic-book-art-magazine, with emphasis on art. So therefore I went for a very simple minimalistic design, thereby letting the art be the center of attention.

Legind Brand-books – 30 Cult recipes


Legind-Brand-books. Photoshop work and prepress by Martin Flink

Legind Brand-books are a series of recipe-books with brands like Smarties, Mars, and Nuetella. But some of the brands didn’t wanted to be part of the book-series. So some of the images had to be “neutralized” before print.

Here you can se some before and after samples of my Photoshop-work.


Photoshop retouch After


Photoshop retouch Before


“Sortmund” by Allan Haverholm – Prepress

Sortmund by Allan Haverholm

I did prepress (Dtp), fine-tuning the pages and layout-text on “Sortmund”, and made it ready for print. The book was published by Brun Blomst in 2006, and collects all of Allan Haverholms “Sortmund”-series in one hardcover volume.

Look out for more of Allans work at his website.

Sortmund (Blackmouth)
writter and artist: Allan Haverholm
306 pages
Published by Forlæns


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