Project ÆON – Chapter 2 – Pencil-sketches


Sketching up the single-images for some chapter 2 pencils. Some drama, action and WWII feel. In the images below, you can see some of my thumbnail-layouts as a reference for the final pencil-sketch.

Pencil-page for Project ÆON page 16.
Pinal penciled page
Thumbnail page for Project ÆON page 16.
Thumbnail sketch
Some pencil-sketches for Project ÆON page 16
Some pencil sketches for that same page.
Thumbnail-page for Project ÆON page 17
Another thumbnail page.
Pencil-sketch for an image on page 17 of Project ÆON
And a pencil-sketch for the same page 17

D&D adventure art


Doing some artwork for a D&D adventure I’ve being writing over the last couple of weeks. 

Low fantasy world of my own design, called NORHD. The same world I used the first time I DM’ed all the way back in 1988. 

But now updating it for D&D 5E.